Root Index
Welcome to, a place where you can commune with me digitally!
How will this communion take place? By interacting with me, of course! On my website, you can learn all about my life: you can read articles I've written, see photos I've collected, find out what music I listen to, look at what videos I watch, explore what software I use, view some websites I've made in the past—there are truly an infinite number of ways we can enter into communion with each other, even on the internet! Feel free to stay as long as you want and come as often as you like; as for me, I am elated that you have chosen to visit!
If this is your first time here, please read through the Introduction; in it I will tell you a little more about myself and explain how to understand, navigate, and use I know things here may seem a little overwhelming at first, especially if you're not really a "computer person", but I'll patiently walk you through all that you need to know about my website. If you are returning, consider viewing my Changelog; I may have added something since your last visit.

Acquisitions, Biology, Liturgical, New Kidron Information Booklet, Nutrition, Orthodoxy, Other

- °Root Index: You are here.
- °Introduction to please read this short page if this is your first visit
- °Link Page: my "startpage", containing search tools, links, etc.
- °°Changelog: my non-exhaustive history of changes made to
- °°Sitemap: my hierarchical sitemap, which lists all the pages on in one place
- °Main (.css): my primary CSS file, which helps produce the website's visual layout and effects; this is primarily of interest to other web developers
- °(.htaccess): my HTACCESS file, which provides special instructions for's web server; this is also primarily of interest to other web developers