
...A Place for Personal Communion with Me

Blessing Psalter (.odt)




Property Data
Name blessing_psalter.odt
Type OpenDocument Text 1.2 (ODT)
Size 29.6KiB
Pages 7


This ODT file contains a copy of St. Arsenios of Cappadocia's Blessing Psalter, a listing of the psalms and how to use them for prayers and/or blessings for various situations and needs. This is a great addition to the many occasional prayers already available in the Church. I've had a copy of this work since at least early 2007, less than a year after I was baptized and chrismated into Orthodoxy.


The Blessing Psalter was writen by St. Arsenios of Cappadocia. It is in the public domain. My version includes not only the text itself, but also the accompanying metadata and notes from the mirror; as the St. Pachomius Orthodox Library releases all of their stuff into the public domain as well, I thought this would be an appropriate move and a gesture of gratitude to them for their work in preserving this document.

I created this metadata on January 10, 2013 and last modified it on August 23, 2013.


  1. 1. This is the original source of my file, though it is in a different format.

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