
...A Place for Personal Communion with Me

An Orthodox Confession (.odt)




Property Data
Name an_orthodox_confession.odt
Type OpenDocument Text 1.2 (ODT)
Size 27.8KiB
Pages 2


This ODT file contains a short confession taken from the book The Way of the Pilgrim. With the very first part of the confession beginning I do not love God, you might be able to imagine how sobering and hard-hitting this short confession is. It is very helpful not only for my personal use, but to give to people who may not otherwise read—or need to read—the entire book The Way of the Pilgrim. I've had a digital copy of this confession since the mid 2000s.


The Way of the Pilgrim was writen anonymously in the 19th century; it is in the public domain. I am not sure who the translator of this version is, however, or its copyright/left status.

I created this metadata on October 1, 2011 and last modified it on August 23, 2013.


  1. 1. This is—I think—the original source of my file, though it is in a different format.

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